Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Can Apple kill Adobe's Flash? - I THINK NOT!!!!!!!!!

Can Apple kill Adobe's Flash? - I THINK NOT!!!!!!!!!

I think it is silly to think that any one other than Adobe could kill Flash within the next 5 years

Flash meets so many different needs in different ways.  I think most people that think Apple can kill Flash are people that think Flash's only hope for survival is on mobile phones or pads.  Flash can be very cool for some creative sites, but Flash will take a small hit from the lack of support for Flash on Apple products,, wait, I mean the I-Phone and I-Pad - Apple's web browser safari still supports Flash and needs to, other wise people would be upset when they get to a rich-media website that has the use of Flash.

I think one Huge benefit of Flash that while being installed on 98% or more computers, it can be reliable because it will display the same content the same way you plan on any platform that has it installed with their browser, and 98% I think in the US is pretty good.  HTML and other stuff will work on 100% of browsers, but it is like Momma Always said, Life is like a box of chocolates you never know what you are going to get.  That is true with different browsers with some of the most popular sites.  Facebook has errors on FireFox and on IE, but different Errors. Am I the only one, or has anyone been using a site like FaceBook, Twitter, or Ebay and found that certain features don't work and for no good reason, then you jump to another browser, log in, and accomplish your goal after jumping through these hoops that Apple is so "For".

Please respond to me with your thoughts at

Monday, May 17, 2010

Learning from a Failure in life or eLearning

I think that if you fail once and try again, then you have learned alot from that 1st failure and it will help you do better in the future! This is Just like the eLearning activities we built at Oxygen Education (if they (the user) fails, then that is a great time for them to learn and retain the knowledge) hmmmmmmm - right?

Thursday, April 1, 2010

CSS training at complete! 2.5hours

I finished another course from about CSS and positioning best practices.  CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets, and It goes with other technologies like XHTML to style graphics and text. This course was only a few hours, but it focused on showing how to set up a site in XHTML, but instead of using Tables to layout the graphics and text, we used CSS with positioning tricks like Float, relative, absolute, and fixed.  I'm still far from being an expert, but I know have the skills to create an XHTML site with CSS

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Corey Callahan's latest Flash File.


XHTML training finished from (March 2010)

I finished another course from - this time about XHTML / HTML

This was a shorter course, only 4 hours, but I was able to quickly refresh what I had learned 10 years ago in college.

Now I'm going to move on to learning CSS then XML, then XML with ActionScript.

Monday, March 29, 2010

PHP and MySQL online course from Ivy Tech

I will be enrolling in an online class teaching PHP and MySQL through Ivy Tech. Class will start April 21, 2010, and there will be assignments due on Wednesday and Friday, but I will be able to participate in these online classes any time before or after work - or weekends. I'm very excited to have my first real class in programming other than training videos from or self study through books, which have all gotten me pretty far, but I'm looking for a deeper knowledge about programming with PHP. After this beginner course, I will be signing up for an intermediate class on PHP and MySQL. Both classes are only $89.00 each and last 6 weeks.

March online software training

I have not been updating my blog each time, but I have completed a few new courses at I have now finished Flash ActionScript 2.0 beyond the basics which took about 19 hours, and I finished a shorter course on xhtml (4-5 hours) I'm now looking to complete a couple short courses about CSS with Xhtml, and then I'll be moving to learn a little javascript/Ajax and this whole time I will be jumping around many Action Script 3.0 courses while reading a book on Action Script 3.0 and a basics level book about PHP.